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O-Money's Thought Of The Week

The Anvil.....

By: O-Money

It was a warm evening on August the 27th 1990, at that time i was still living at the Walnut Manors, in the old 2 bedroom apartment. I was 6 years old and excited for the evening as my parents had ordered Summerslam. During those times everyone would be over to watch the ppv's, Uncle Angel, Uncle Danny and his kids, Uncle George, and most importantly my Pop Pop. Of course my parents and sisters were there too silly. What i was really excited for was Hulk Hogan's return to take on Earthquake, after Earthquake almost destroyed Hulkamania on the Brother Love show earlier in the summer. But what many don't know is I was extra excited as my favorite tag team the Hart Foundation was taking on Demolition for the Tag Titles in a 2 out of 3 falls match. This has always been one of my favorite matches, as a kid i didn't know it was choreographed lol, so i was concerned Ax would get in the ring and take the place of either Crush or Smash when the ref wouldn't see. Demolition would get the first fall when they hit their finisher "Demolition Decapitation", and continued to wear down Bret as Anvil waited impatiently to get in. Finally after getting beat down for several minutes, Bret hit the hot tag on Anvil and he went to work with his trademark power moves, until Bret regained his"energy" and they nailed their finisher the "Hart Attack", just as the ref was going to count 3, Crush hit the ref to cause a disqualification. were now even 2 falls a piece. All of a sudden Ax runs down and hides under the ring. As Bret was getting the upper hand on Smash, Anvil came in and hit a shoulder tackle laying out Smash, While Bret waited at the top of the ropes, Anvil grabbed The Hitman in a reverse body slam, one of their trademark tag moves, and slammed him on Smash, I got so hype I thought this was it they are bout to be tag champs again!!! Well Smash kicked out rolled under the ring and switched with Ax, I remember screaming at the top of my lungs "Referee that is Ax he isn't legal in this match". I remember looking at my Dad and saying "Dad can't he tell who is who?" My Dad just chuckled and my Uncle Angel and Uncle George just laughed. Finally after a couple of minutes of this travesty taking place they head out of the ring and while the ref is distracted Smash comes from under the ring and they double team the Hitman, now as a 6 year old I'm getting fired up lol, not to mention teased by my Uncle George. The crowd gets crazy all of a sudden and my Uncle Angel and Dad go nuts as well because the Road Warriors are coming down to the ring now. My Pops and Uncle Angel were and still are HUGE Road Warrior fans, you ever see my dad ask him about the time he saw Road Warrior Hawk and what he did Ha Ha. Well next thing you know, Hawk grabs Ax who tried to get back under the ring, Smash goes to help Ax, leaving just Bret and Crush in the ring, Bret kneels down on all fours, and Anvil leaps over the ropes and nails Crush with the shoulder tackle, Crush trips over Bret who gets the pin fall for the win, My boys are champs again,  I remember grabbing my Dad's big ass sunglasses and putting them on and acting like the Hart's. Not to mention the post match interview where Anvil keeps screaming"Against all odds don't matter if it's 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 10 on 10, it doesn't matter will take them all on anytime anywhere" Then he did his trademark laugh one more time while Bret cuts his part of the promo. What I can remember vividly is Hawk in the background stroking Anvil's famous beard, My dad was getting the biggest chuckle out of that one. The Hart Foundation, my favorites were tag team champions again. As a kid I leaned towards The Anvil due to me being a big boy, still am. His power and damn that mans laugh were awesome. I joke with my wife now that i'll grow my beard out like that, should see the face she gives me lol. Monday when the news hit that Anvil passed, it hit me bad man, as child i grew up with him in my life, because wrestling was my life as a kid. Not to mention how big a fan i was of him. I can only imagine what his Daughter's are feeling, most notable Nattie Neidhart, current WWE womens wrestler. The wrestling world has lost so many stars from its Golden Era (1984-1992), and as fan that watched faithfully during that time it sucks, those were our larger then life heroes. Thank you Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart for all you did for us fans and being one of my heroes as a kid, may you rest in peace.

          In Memory of Jim"The Anvil"Neidhart



   8/12/2018 -  On a week where we finally got some NFL action, albeit preseason, Baseball has started to take an interesting turn. Just last week the Mariners were heading in the opposite direction. That all changed starting this past Thursday night as they opened a 4 game set in Houston. All the Mariners did was sweep the Astros all four games as Mariners closer Edwin Diaz on Sunday became the first pitcher to record four saves in a single series since 2004. Diaz now leads the Majors with 46 saves.

    The four game sweep puts the Mariners four games back of the Astros for first place, and now just one game back of the A's in the second Wildcard spot. Speaking of the A's, the Mariners will now head to Oakland to play the A's in a three game series, that has major implications for the Wildcard. The Mariner's may be heating just in time to make a run towards the 2018 playoffs. Either way don't count out these M's they are not going to go quietly in the night. 

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