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On The Money Sports History

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      On The Money Sports, was an idea by two close friends, whom envisioned giving sports fans the sports talk they deserved. It seems these days that all you see and hear on all the "sports talk" shows is one subject filtered into multiple segments, where all you need is one segment to get the point across. We want to hear about the other teams, and players that are not covered as they should be. So Oscar Money and Iy-Rational came up with "On The Money Sports", which we believe is "Real Sports Talk....For The Real Sports Fan". We have now been operating the "On The Money Sports Podcast" now for over one year, which we go LIVE every Thursday night at 8pm eastern time.


To follow us on social media:

O-Money's Twitter handle is: @OscarMoney83 

Iy-Rational's Twitter handle is: @Iyrational1

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